Golden Century AEON MALL
Wall Mural Golden Century AEON MAL by food photographer
AKP got this project for creating a wall mural idea for Golden Century. A La-mien Resrtaurant at their newest coming soon location. AEON MAll BSD City is the place. Well, a big mural space need to be decorated with something attracting and create meaningful message. After carefully listen to the brief and collecting all data regarding exact location as well measurement, Albert Kurniawan and his team point this project as project “Screen”. The Screen needs to be telling story, needs to be attracting and needs to be function as decorative as well.
The Idea for Wall Mural Golden Century AEON MAL by food photographer
The idea for Wall Mural Golden Century AEON MAL was made simple by understanding the customer. We finally agreed to present the wall of production, journey of making a great dish. This idea started with learning customer behaviour by asking question, “do you know what it takes to make a La – Mien Dish”? It was interesting idea to start a project with a leading question to your target visual. Collecting all the presentable items to show the process of making. Did a scratch sheet for placement then it was done. We shoot it next week, and the owner agreed.
The Photo Session Wall Mural Golden Century AEON MAL by food photographer
Due to its big size and need high resolution, AKP decided to use Phase One 645DF with 60mp digital back for this shoot. The images after shoot was process with the world best photography program capture one. Then all of the were joined together in one page.
The Final result is a huge wall at the Mall, please check it out.